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✅See looduslik ravim aitab kõrge vererõhu korral❗ Kas soovite alandada vererõhku ilma ravimite kahjulike kõrvaltoimeteta? Hea uudis on see, et on olemas mitmeid ohutuid, tõhusaid ja looduslikke toite ning toitaineid, mis aitavad seda teha.Üle 60 miljoni ameeriklase on kõrge vererõhk, sealhulgas enam kui pooled (54%) kõigist ameeriklastest vanuses 65–74 aastat ja peaaegu kolm neljandikku (72%) kõigist samas vanuserühmas olevatest ameeriklastest.Kõrge vererõhk on infarkti või insuldi peamine riskifaktor. Tegelikult peetakse seda üldiselt insuldi kõige olulisemaks riskiteguriks. 1. Joo peedimahla.Mitmed hiljutised uuringud on näidanud, et värske peedimahla joomine võib põhjustada kliiniliselt olulist vererõhu langust. Näiteks Austraalias Melbournes asuvas Baker IDI südame- ja...

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❗👩‍💼Skubiai! Hipertenzijos ligonių skaičius Lietuvoje sumažėjo🇱🇹 Veiksmingas arterinės hipertenzijos gydymas pagrįstai laikomas vienu svarbiausių medicinos mokslo laimėjimų. Tačiau nepaisant šiuolaikinių vaistų vartojimo sergamumas arterine hipertenzija pasaulyje toliau didėja (1). Be to, daugėja žmonių, kuriems arterinė hipertenzija kontroliuojama nepakankamai gerai. 2000 m. pasaulyje buvo apie 1 mlrd. Sergančių arterine hipertenzija, prognozuojama, kad 2025 metais jų bus 1,5 mlrd. (2). Per pastaruosius du dešimtmečius padaugėjo žmonių, kuriems arterinė hipertenzija blogai kontroliuojama, pavyzdžiui, JAV nuo 37 mln. iki 42 mln. (1 pav.). Kokios galėtų būti priežastys? JAV atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad 28 proc. žmonių nežino sergantys arterine hipertenzija, 39 proc. sergančių nesigydo, 65...

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This tropical fruit is refreshing, juicy and delicious, and like most fruit, it has some great nutritional benefits. Read on to discover why mango is so good for you and whether fresh or dried is best.What is mango?Mangoes are tropical stone fruits, plump and oval in shape and about the size of a grapefruit. They have an inedible skin that ranges in colour from yellow to green through to red-green, depending on the variety, whilst inside is a soft, edible yellow flesh and a hard inedible stone.Mangoes only grow in warmer climates. They are native to Southern Asia, but they...

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It has been estimated that half the world's population subsists wholly or partially on rice. Ninety percent of the world crop is grown and consumed in Asia. American consumption, although increasing, is still only about 25 lb (11 kg) per person annually, as compared with 200 to 400 lb (90–181 kg) per person in parts of Asia. Rice is the only major cereal crop that is primarily consumed by humans directly as harvested, and only wheat and corn are produced in comparable quantity. Plant breeders at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, attempting to keep pace with demand...

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What are the benefits of doing pushups every day?Traditional pushups are beneficial for building upper body strength. They work the triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders. When done with proper form, they can also strengthen the lower back and core by engaging (pulling in) the abdominal muscles.Pushups are a fast and effective exercise for building strength. They can be done from virtually anywhere and don’t require any equipment.Doing pushups every day can be effective if you’re looking for a consistent exercise routine to follow. You will likely notice gains in upper body strength if you do pushups regularly.For the best results,...

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