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It may be a throw-back to grade school gym class, but the shuttle run is an often over-looked drill for building speed and agility. The standard shuttle run drill is often used to measure the kind of endurance you need for stop-and-go, high-intensity sports such as soccer, hockey, basketball, and tennis. Testing an athlete's shuttle run time over a season can help measure training routine success and track progress from year to year.Because the shuttle run builds explosive power, agility, and endurance, it is also an ideal exercise drill to add to a training routine. You probably did shuttle runs...

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1. WindmillTargets: AbsStand tall with arms extended out to sides, abs engaged.Bending from waist, reach right arm toward left toes; repeat on left.Do 25 reps, alternating sides.2. Pulsing LungeTargets: Butt and legsLunge forward with right leg; hold for 4 seconds, then pulse up and down 5 times.Repeat on left.Do 2 reps.3. Triceps KickbackTargets: TricepsHold dumbbell in right hand.Bend at hips until almost parallel to floor.Bring elbow to ribs, straighten forearm back, and return.Do 15 reps on each arm.4. Plank/Push-UpTargets: Chest and coreStart in plank position (palms on floor, hands below shoulders, abs engaged, back straight).Hold for 30 seconds. Drop to...

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